Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hello by Harvey Prince

Well "Hello" there! Get it?  Get it?! Of course you do. Harvey Prince seems to be pushing this scent for fall right now, so let's talk about it!

Hello has got the freshness and sweetness of citrus notes but with a heavier undertone to lend it some weight and body, which grounds so it doesn't seem like a cheap body spray. It is just the right weight for fall! I feel like this is best worn as an everyday scent. While it is lovely, I prefer something a little more sophisticated for the night time. And, while I firmly believe that you earn every right to wear whatever the heck you'd like as you age, this is not something I could picture my grandmother wearing. It is definitely a younger scent, however it is not juvenile.

The staying power of Hello is excellent and I very much enjoy the shifting notes as it wears. The perfume doesn't transform entirely, but just enough to keep you smelling your wrists all day!

My only real gripe is a personal and highly subjective one: while the musky sweetness could be right up someone's alley, for me it can sometimes be a little too much... but not often.

As perfumes go, this one is a little more on the expensive side: a 1.7 oz bottle of Hello costs $55! I'd say it's definitely worth the splurge, though, as it's one of the only scents to immediately butt its way into my everyday rotation in a long time!

I'm always looking for great new fragrances; what are some of your favourites?


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